Hi! I'm Dr. Mandi.

Thought Leaders Amplify Their Impact By Installing My 7-Figure Team & Systems So They Can Freely Stay In Their Genius Zone As We Scale.

Ready To Be Big, Babe?


Before Starting "BeBigBabe,"

I built an online, B2C coaching business that hit $200,000/month in its 6 month in business and did seven figures each year, and ...

... I soon realized that if I helped dozens other women do the same thing by just giving them everything I developed and built:

... I could multiply the impact and help bring in the new world!

Dr. Mandi Rose

Now, I get to guide you on your journey to Be Big, Babe!

My team and I built everything needed to achieve multiple seven figures.

We invested in developing it, and it's all copy/paste now.

Want it?

Okay. Let me teach you what we're going to help you do:

(Don't worry, you stay in your genius zone and keep doing what you're doing: My team and I build it all for you.)

Do You Have A Vision Of "Going Big" With What You Do?

Do You Believe That What You Teach,

... Can Help SO SO SO Many People ...


I know the feeling...

It's what motivated me to go big, too!

( ... More of the world is still waiting for your gift! )

Ready To BeBigBabe?

Good News!

... You're In The Right Place!

No Small Thinkers Here.

Touch More Lives,

Have More Fun!

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️



Client Wins, Success Stories, Testimonials, and Positive Reviews From Women Who Value Their Freedom Just Like You!


Team Members Onboarded Into Companies Mandi And Her Team Helped Build In The Last 3 Years


Invested In Learning Business Strategy, Advertising, Media Buying, Marketing, Funnels, High-Ticket Sales, Recruiting, Speaking, & Team Building

You're A GENIUS At What You Do.

My Team is Excellent At Building Businesses.

... What Happens When We Combine Forces?

Who Is Dr. Mandi?



⭐️ Dr. Mandi's B2C consulting business hit $200,000 in signed contracts in its 6th month in business and went to generate over a million dollars every year.


Mandi is an international, award-winning speaker who has her own TV show and has spoken at events such as at Cambridge, Oxford, Royal Society of Medicine, the LA Tribute, & the London Stock Exchange. She's shared the same stages as Sharen Lechter, Russell Brunson, Les Brown, and Brian Tracy and recently did a keynote at Dean Graziosi's Mastermind.


Mandi and her team has invested over $551,000 USD in learning business strategy, marketing and funnels, copywriting, advertising and media buying, operations and tech, high-ticket sales, building sales teams, HR, and responsibly scaling companies.

Global Impact

Mandi has global clientele, and currently lives in the beautiful Cayman Islands operating her business inside of Cayman's Tech Hub amongst 250 of the world's most innovative entrepreneurs.

The Right Connection

“The power of one good connection.”

After building one of the fastest growing companies in America, Mandi is on a mission to share her wealth of experience!


To ensure we're a fit, I have a few questions first:

"The 10 Pillars Of A Freedom-Based Business"

#1 Branding and Brand Culture

In today's competitive market, effective branding and brand culture are crucial for a freedom-based business, especially in saturated industries, such as coaches and thought leaders. Early in my career, I underestimated the importance of branding, focusing solely on attracting clients with my amazing offer. However, I've learned that strong branding is vital for standing out. And it’s even more important today as there are millions of people trying to get attention online.

Branding involves more than just a logo or color scheme; it must resonate with your target audience. Successful brands are specific and tailored to the demographics they serve. For example, if you help divorced women in high-conflict situations, your branding should reflect their experience, not something mismatched like a sparkly, whimsical theme (I made this mistake).

To differentiate yourself, avoid generic designs that blend in. Instead, embrace elements that make your brand edgy, contemporary, and sexy. It should always aligns with your authentic self and have fun with it! Being distinct and bold can create a memorable impression and attract attention.

An effective brand also includes memorable taglines and clear messaging that you can consistently use across various platforms. Repetition helps embed your brand in the minds of your audience, making it easier for them to remember and reach out to you.

In essence, a well-crafted brand that accurately reflects your unique value and resonates with your specific audience is key to thriving in today's market.

#2 Social Media Presence

A strong social media presence is essential for a freedom-based business.

A well-managed social media presence helps attract and convert leads. When people see an ad or hear someone speak that they liked, they will look them up on social media before purchasing or engaging. It’s used for social proof and is becoming more important than the testimonials on your website. Do people follow your pages? Do people like and comment on your posts? Then you must be real and you must provide a good service. A robust social media following and consistent content signal credibility and professionalism.

I made up a new term: "omni impact" also know as "omnipresence” but I like to say that being seen on multiple social platforms, on podcasts, in ads, etc allows you to have more impact!!

And it doesn’t mean more work! There are very simple ways to streamline this entire process and refurbish the content, to ensure your presence is always growing!

Consistency is key. Regularly creating and posting content across various platforms helps maintain engagement and visibility.

Despite the time and effort involved, having a strong social media presence is crucial. It not only reinforces your brand's credibility but also enhances your overall marketing strategy, making it an indispensable pillar of a freedom-based business.

#3 Marketing and Positioning

Marketing and positioning are crucial for attracting the right clients to your freedom-based business. Effective marketing guides potential clients from first discovering your business to developing enough interest to explore your services. The key is to attract your ideal clients while repelling those who are not a good fit, saving time on sales calls and avoiding mismatches.

Clear, targeted marketing ensures you engage with clients who align with your niche and values. Your messaging should specify who you help and who you don’t. For instance, in my last business helping women end high-conflict divorces peacefully, I made a mistake not being clear in my marketing to deter those seeking revenge or driven by vindictive motives.

Your website and all marketing materials should include clear criteria for your ideal clients. This specificity in your copywriting helps filter prospects effectively. Every piece of content—from social media posts to emails—should reflect the persona of your ideal client, speaking directly to them with tailored energy and presence.

Positioning yourself as an expert is equally important. This includes showcasing testimonials, social media followings, stage appearances, and other credentials that establish your authority. People are more likely to trust and engage with a business that is visibly reputable and experienced.

While authenticity and relatability are vital, particularly in the age of AI, maintaining a professional image that conveys expertise is crucial. Balancing real, human elements in your social media presence with professional positioning helps build trust and credibility.

In summary, effective marketing and strategic positioning involve clear, niche-specific messaging and showcasing your expertise across various platforms. This approach ensures you attract the right clients and establish a strong, credible presence in your field.

#4 Client Acquisition Systems

Client acquisition is crucial for building a freedom-based business, leveraging various channels like ads, social media selling, email marketing, and DM sales. Effective digital marketing is the fastest way to reach a wide audience. The goal is to get your offer in front of as many faces as possible, and get it your offer in front of the right faces also, to have the most impact and help as many people as possible.

Many businesses go under because they didn’t optimize client acquisition. It breaks my heart when people who have excellent products and branding eventually shut their doors simply because of people being unable to find them.

It’s essential to consistently present your offer to a broad audience. Successful client acquisition requires overcoming fears of visibility and embracing the potential for a larger reach.

Utilize multiple platforms to enhance your visibility:

Digital Ads: Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms are great for reaching new audiences. Social Media: Engage with your audience, build trust, and make offers directly through your social media presence. Email Marketing: Maintain and nurture your email list for sustained engagement and conversions. DM Selling: Direct messaging and personalized communication can effectively convert prospects.

Modern buyers seek trust and authenticity, often researching your social media profiles before making a purchase. Thus, maintaining a cohesive and engaging online presence across multiple channels is vital.

The concept of “Omni Impact” emphasizes the need for omnipresence—being visible across various platforms and consistently engaging with your audience. By appearing in multiple places (e.g., podcasts, social media, emails, and ads), you increase the likelihood of converting prospects into clients. Effective client acquisition involves a strategic, multi-channel approach to ensure your offer reaches and resonates with a broad audience.

#5 Sales

Sales in a freedom-based business involves understanding your prospective client's unique needs, demonstrating that you have the right solution, and smoothly transitioning them into becoming a client. Ideally, effective marketing makes the sales process straightforward, simplifying sales to just taking orders and signing people up rather than convincing potential clients of your value.

When marketing effectively highlights your services and builds trust, the sales team’s job becomes easier. They simply guide interested clients through the purchase process without needing extensive persuasion. This creates stability and efficiency in the sales department, allowing the business to scale more effectively.

Delegating the sales function is crucial. It frees you from the demanding task of constantly handling sales calls, allowing you to focus more on fulfilling client needs and other strategic areas of your business. By employing dedicated sales representatives, who can manage multiple calls daily, you can significantly increase your client base and, consequently, your impact.

A well-structured sales team can exponentially grow your business by consistently bringing in new clients. This ensures you're not only creating a significant impact on a small scale but also expanding your influence and touching many more lives. Therefore, investing in a competent sales team is vital for the growth and success of your freedom-based business.

#6 Service

Service, or fulfillment, is the core of why many people start their businesses—they have a passion for helping others and solving specific problems. Often, entrepreneurs excel in this area, known as their genius zone, but struggle with the other aspects of running a business.

To maximize impact and efficiency, it's crucial to streamline and automate the service process. Tools like Zendesk, School, or virtual assistants (VAs) can help manage client communications and automate repetitive tasks. For example, a VA can compile client questions, which you can quickly address, and the VA can then respond on your behalf.

Structuring your business to handle more clients effectively is also vital. If you prefer small group interactions, you can schedule multiple smaller sessions instead of one large one. This allows for personalized service while accommodating more clients.

Furthermore, offering multiple products and programs ensures that you continue to serve clients beyond their initial engagement. This not only enhances your clients' experiences but also increases your revenue without needing to raise prices significantly. By providing additional value through back-end products, you can reinvest in client acquisition and other business growth activities.

In summary, optimizing your service delivery through automation, efficient structuring, and diversified product offerings can significantly enhance your business's impact and sustainability.

#7 Operations

Operations are all about streamlining your business processes to ensure efficiency and save time. This involves automating tasks and creating systems that handle repetitive actions. For instance, when a client signs up and pays, an automated system can send welcome emails, reminders for coaching sessions, and other necessary communications without manual intervention.

Even larger businesses can benefit from improving their operations. Automating tasks using tools like Zapier or comprehensive platforms like GoHighLevel, which can manage websites, funnels, CRMs, and communities, can significantly enhance efficiency. It's surprising how many businesses still rely on manual processes or outdated tools like Excel for client management.

Improving operations means leveraging modern tools to automate tasks and delegating responsibilities that are outside your core expertise. This not only frees up your time to focus on what you do best but also allows your business to scale more effectively. By optimizing your operations, you create a more seamless experience for your clients and open up opportunities for growth.

#8 Finances

Managing finances is crucial for sustaining and growing your business. While it might not be everyone's strength, having a solid financial strategy is essential. This involves keeping detailed records of all expenses and income, which can be efficiently managed with tools like QuickBooks and updated regularly by a bookkeeper.

A clear financial overview allows you to understand your monthly costs, set revenue goals, and determine how many clients you need to cover expenses and achieve desired profits. Additionally, by analyzing your costs and understanding your client acquisition expenses, you can plan your ad spend and other investments accurately.

Ultimately, having a well-organized financial system helps you make informed decisions, plan for growth, and ensure the financial health of your business. Even if finances aren't your forte, utilizing the right tools and delegating tasks can make this pillar manageable and highly effective.

#9 Legal

Legal considerations, particularly having solid contracts, are crucial for a freedom-based business. Contracts prevent misunderstandings and legal disputes by clearly defining agreements with clients and team members. A famous quote, "The pen remembers what the mouth forgets," highlights the importance of written agreements.

Verbal agreements often lead to conflicts if not properly documented. Clear, robust contracts create a structured environment, allowing business relationships to thrive. Investing in good legal practices is essential for protecting and sustaining your business.

#10 Team Culture

Team culture is essential for a successful freedom-based business. Even if you have top-tier talent, without a positive and engaging team culture, your business can struggle. Unlike older generations who valued job stability over workplace culture, today’s workforce seeks passion and purpose in their roles.

Creating a mission-driven business not only strengthens team culture but also enhances branding and positioning. Employees need to feel connected to the mission and know their contributions are valued. Regular team meetings, genuine recognition, and a supportive environment are key to maintaining a strong team culture.

You could get placed high-level A-team players in every department but if you don’t know how to lead and create an enjoyable team culture, the whole thing will fall apart.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you mean by a growth agency?

Imagine if an advertising agency, a marketing agency, a sales consultancy, an operations consultancy, and a business strategy firm all merged into one place.

What if things break as we scale?

When we solve one problem, it often creates another! But, they are "high-quality problems." One we have too many leads, it creates a new problem: We need someone to speak to them. Once we have too many clients, it creates a new problem: We need more staff. This is why responsibly scaling in a strategic, linear way is so important.

I don't have time to grow my business.

Exactly. That's where we come in. We build the business "around" you. You just keep doing what you're doing, and we build the rest together as it's needed, in order.

What if I get nervous about the growth?

Just because I've scaled two businesses from $5,000 to $150,000 a month in 90 days doesn't mean we have to grow that fast. We'll map out a growth plan that excites you but doesn't invoke terror! :)

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